career advice

These are the hottest remote entry-level gigs for the class of 2024

Want to land a plum remote gig? Here’s how:

The unlicensed weed shop I worked for was shut down — can I get unemployment?

I worked for a cannabis shop that apparently was not licensed. It was promptly shut down without any notice, and my employer owes me for two weeks of pay. What...

You’ll never worry about AI stealing your job working in these trades

While some jobs, like those held by accountants, customer service pros, financial underwriters and paralegals, may be sharply and negatively affected by AI, “the demand for workers in the skilled...

Welcome to Taurus season — and beware of these most toxic traits of the dark bull

Welcome to the rodeo, folks, and the deep heart of Taurus season.

Can I ignore my boss' emails that are sent over the weekend?

Should I wait until Monday to respond and hope she gets the message, respond without saying anything, or ask if this can wait?

Internships offer experience, skills and can open doors

“Internships are necessary,” said Crabtree. “Classes give you the skills that you need to get the internship; you need to do well at the internship and then you can take...

Welcome, class of ’24 — now, how to land that first elusive job

Ready to toss your graduation hats in the air? Do so with cautious optimism, according to workforce experts.

A colleague is taking home our free snacks — should I say something?

Every night, one employee on my staff regularly and openly stuffs his knapsack with snacks before he leaves. There isn’t a company policy that says you can’t take these items...

I fessed up to cheating on my expenses and got fired — is this fair?

I cheated on my expense report, and expensed a meal that was personal. I felt guilty and afraid I’d get caught, so I confessed, apologized and reimbursed the company. My...

Enjoy sports, mentorship and want a varied job? Consider coaching

“It’s great teaching kids who are enthused about tennis, to see how happy they are and how they improve,” Chris DeStefano said.

Astrology explains why Tuesday is the ideal day to get s--t done

Fun fact, much like the zodiac signs, each day of the week is governed by a ruling planet. Read on to learn more about why Mars-ruled Tuesday should kick off...

How to cope with emotional chaos based on your moon astrology

Within the birth chart, astrologers look to the light of the ever-loving moon to determine attachment styles and the behaviors we revert to when in crisis.

I was fired for retaliating against a rude customer -- is that fair?

I was fired for retaliating against a rude customer - is that fair?

Remote workers brace for harsh reality check and are committing career suicide: study

A new study shows that the 2020-era flexibility in live/work arrangements can be detrimental to the careers of those who left big cities for smaller markets.

These runway models switched direction to become fintech founders

“Even with all those experiences, we still felt clueless about building credit, figuring out how much is normal to spend on social lives and whether we were ‘behind’ others financially,”...

I wasn't hired because I'm a white man -- can I sue?

Diversity and inclusion initiatives are taking a hit right now in the media. Unfortunately, the intent of these programs is getting lost in the rancor and divisiveness in our culture.

Should I take a job in California when its new laws seem untenable?

My employer has offered me a promotion to work in California. However, I just read that California is considering making it illegal for a boss to regularly contact employees after...

How this former engineer took a ‘mini-retirement’ in his 20s

A vacation is good for the soul. But in the case of 29-year-old Mike Notarfrancesco, an artist who sells his prints online, a “mini-retirement” was even better.

I'm a LinkedIn career expert — here are 5 ways to work with Gen Zers and their 'different attitudes'

Gen Zers — those born between 1997 and 2012 — are expected to comprise about a quarter of the global workforce by 2025.

Can I ask for a raise to cover this new congestion charge?

With the new congestion pricing, my commuting expenses are going to be unaffordable. Can I ask for a raise to cover the cost increase if my employer is requiring me...