Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin

The Archive

Bill de Blasio's Hollywood hypocrisy

Because the crime rate is zero, the potholes are all fixed and homelessness has been completely eradicated, Mayor Bill de Blasio now has time to focus on what really matters...

And the big Powerball winner is ... government

Ka-ching! Wednesday’s Powerball jackpot soared to $1.5 billion as get-rich-quick mania seized America this week. But you don’t need to wait for the drawing to know who’ll score the royal...

CNN's long history of allowing Democratic town-hall plants

On Thursday, CNN will host a town hall with President Obama as part of his “final-year push to make gun control part of his legacy.” In addition to sitting down...

CAIR is America's top enabler of terror

As news of the San Bernardino jihadist shootings blared on airport TVs, I spotted a TSA monitor flashing the now ubiquitous message: ‘‘If you SEE something, SAY something.” It’s one...

How bureaucrats are getting away with the 'biggest scandal in VA history'

In life and leadership, accountability means consequences for bad behavior. In Washington, accountability means yet another congressional meeting about another government scandal perpetrated by tax-subsidized corruptocrats who get away with...

The Pentagon's been worried about 'refujihadis' for months

Back in May, with ISIS ascendant, the Obama Pentagon ordered US military bases here at home to raise their force protection condition status (FPCON) to "Bravo" amid a "general increase...

Courts kill Obama's immigration power grab --- well, one of them

On Monday, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals told the immigration power-grabbers in the Obama administration to stuff it. The amnesty sympathizers in the media mourned mightily. "Appeals court rules...

How American workers are being sold out

From the “Happiest Place on Earth” to Silicon Valley and across the Heartland, America’s high-skilled workers are getting screwed. Brutally, insidiously and comprehensively screwed. Big Tech CEOs and their Washington...

'The View' women's know-nothing attacks on Carly Fiorina

It looks like those elitist harridans on ABC's "The View" learned nothing from the national backlash over their mockery of nurse Kelley Johnson less than eight weeks ago. Guess they've...

Team Obama's electronic medical records mandate is a disaster

Hey, who’s up for a stiff dose of “See, I told you so?” For the past several years, medical professionals have warned that the federal electronic-medical-records mandate — buried in...

Revolt of the watchdogs: Federal inspectors general vs. the Obama stonewall

In the sadistic era of fraudulent Hope and Change, inspectors general inside the federal government have been kicked, neutered and starved of the authority and information they need to do...

ObamaCare just killed my health insurance again

It’s deja screwed all over again. In the fall of 2013, our family received notice from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Colorado that we could no longer keep our...

The brutal impact of wealthy Mideast thug privilege in America

You’ve heard endlessly about “white privilege” from the professional social-justice-warrior gripers. But rarely does that crusading crowd — or their spiritual leaders in the White House — acknowledge the brutal...

Yes, our troops were ordered to ignore Afghan pedophiles

American soldiers are being punished for blowing the whistle on the systematic rape and enslavement of young boys at the hands of brutal Afghan Muslim military officials. Honorable men in...

Homeland Security finally gets cracking -- to register Hillary voters

There’s only one time when you can depend on the chronically backlogged, recklessly inefficient Department of Homeland Security to perform smoothly: election season. While hundreds of thousands of visa overstayers...

Mocking nurses exposes the shrews of 'The View'

You would think that a groundbreaking TV show for women hosted by women would do its best every day to respect and uplift women. Instead, ABC’s “The View” — originally...

Even Matt Damon can't escape the PC police

Oh, this is schadenfreude-licious. Outspoken celebrity Democratic activist/donor Matt Damon opened his mouth and let the truth about the left’s superficial commitment to “diversity” slip out. Now, liberal ideologues are...

Joe Biden's forgotten 'ick' factor

Next week, as rumors swirl of his possible entry into the 2016 presidential race, Vice President Joe Biden will appear on liberal comedian Stephen Colbert’s new late-night CBS show. The...

My daughter's amazing strength in handling Tourette syndrome

‘Are you sure?” I asked my daughter before writing this column. “Yes,” she said resolutely. Veronica is profoundly grateful for all the prayers, kindness and advice from strangers, friends and...

Barack Obama puts cronyism above cybersecurity

It’s the most far-reaching scandal in Washington that no one wants to talk about: Tens of millions of federal employees had their personal information hacked as a result of Obama...