Maureen Callahan

Maureen Callahan

The Archive

Oscars will police how diverse you are, but violence? That's fine

All the codes Will Smith violated last night were put in place by the Academy post-#MeToo. Apparently the rules don’t apply if the victim happens to be another black man.

Putin's yacht shows that billions reaped by theft and murder can't buy taste

Of course, Earth’s own real-life Dr. Evil has a gold toilet paper dispenser and brush on his $700 million superyacht, the Scheherazade — named for the princess who tells a...

Shameless, delusional Cuomo brothers continue to play the role of victims

Cockroaches. Keith Richards. The Cuomo brothers. Yes, Andrew and Chris, those heroes-to-zeroes, have officially earned their place among the rare life forms sure to survive Armageddon. Nothing can exterminate these...

Alec Baldwin's despicable defense in the shooting of Halyna Hutchins

In court documents filed on Friday morning, Alec Baldwin blamed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins for shooting her on the set of “Rust”. Her widower, Matthew, deserves to sue him for everything.

Woke left says that we're racists to care about Ukraine

The invasion of Ukraine has shocked and saddened good people of all races, nationalities, creeds and colors, why must the left have to involve racism?

Melinda has busted the Bill Gates myth with talk of his Epstein friendship

In her artful interview with Gayle King, Melinda French Gates elegantly tore off her ex-husband Bill Gates' mask.

Jen Psaki is the condescending face of the Biden administration

White House press secretary Jen Psaki's statements seem aimed at one cohort alone: High-earning, highly educated liberals and progressives just like her, ones who think anyone on the other side...

Dear God, no: Hillary Clinton is the definition of insanity

Hillary Clinton is seriously mulling a run in 2024. There’s simply no other way to interpret her speech at Thursday’s New York State Democratic Party Convention. She is crazy!

Ben Affleck cranks up the cringe with new love video

Not since “Gigli” have Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez produced this level of cringe. And oh, my God, is it amazing.

Good on Adele for celebrating female — not gender-neutral — achievement

Her crime? In picking up Artist of the Year at last night’s Brit Awards, she lamented the loss of male and female categories, saying:

Andrew Cuomo vindicated? Only in his delirious, dirty mind

It’s the blink of an eye since Andrew Cuomo resigned — yet for Cuomo himself, the five months since his forced resignation is clearly a lifetime.

Jeff Zucker and CNN: The fish rots from the head

What a comeuppance for Jeff Zucker, who stood by former star anchor and one-time BFF Chris Cuomo through multiple scandals.

Tragic suicide of ex-Miss USA again shows corrosive influence of social media

There’s more than enough evidence that social media is toxic by design, that Mark Zuckerberg is a psychopath, that online-induced suicides are regarded as little more than collateral damage.

Ricky Gervais is Hollywood's only hope to save the Oscars

If Hollywood wants to save the Oscars, they need the one man they’d never, ever want to host.

Elitist fashion industry chewed up Andre Leon Talley as it does with everyone

André Leon Talley's exile from fashion surely contributed to his death. Whatever his medical complications, he also died of a broken heart. Fashion was his everything. He thought fashion was...

Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump 2024 — yep, life has become a horror movie

We are officially in the horror movie where the monster never dies, the virus never ends and our next election sees Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump.

Pope Francis’ slam of ‘selfish’ pet parents prove he’s never owned a pup

Pope Francis clearly has never had a dog. In the oddest pronouncement of his papacy, Francis — who took his name from St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals...

Andy Cohen's savage rant on Bill de Blasio isn't the real 'crisis' at CNN

Of the network’s very problematic employees, Andy Cohen isn’t one of them.

Ghislaine Maxwell verdict shows you can't get away with being an enabler -- finally

It wasn’t a sure thing that Ghislaine Maxwell would be found guilty, despite the overwhelming evidence against her and the graphic testimony of four traumatized survivors.

In 2021, piggish male celebs got what they deserved

As we enter year three of the pandemic, it’s clear what COVID has ended forever: the in-office work week; the Hollywood blockbuster and cineplex; and celebrity itself, with all the...