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‘Squatter’ with angry goat refused to leave Texas home, animal attacked homeowner: cops

You gotta be kidding him.

A hoarder “squatter” with a large aggressive goat refused to leave a house in San Antonio for months — as the belligerent billy goat attacked the homeowner and police, sources said.

The four-legged baaaad boy stormed house flipper Daniel Cabrera, who bought a five-bedroom abode for $175,000 from a woman who refused to move out in June, he told

The goat butted Daniel Cabrera, who bought a five-bedroom home for $175,000 from a woman who refused to move out in June, he told Provided by Daniel Cabrera

When Cabrera knocked on the door to confront her, a cantankerous critter tied to front porch lunged at him.

“When I saw the goat, I’m like, ‘Oh, s–t. Keep in mind, this isn’t some oil town. It’s not the backwoods. We’re in San Antonio!” Cabrera said.

“It kept coming for me … I’m like, ‘I better not get any closer.’ This is crazy,” he said.

Cabrera said he had already paid the woman, who was not named in the report, for the home and given her a week to move out. He also placed an eviction sign on her door.

Though his name was on the deed and she no longer had a right to the house, she refused to leave until Nov. 29 — when Cabrera was finally able to convince cops to kick her out.

As he and police knocked on her door, she refused to unlock it, prompting Cabrera to use a locksmith. The angry goat then stormed one of the cops, he said.

“The goat butted one of the officers,” said Cabrera. “He said, ‘The goat got me good.’ The officers were like, ‘This is nuts in here.’”

Inside, they discovered the woman — who had been facing foreclosure — was a hoarder with trash strewn everywhere and cats and dogs running amok indoors.

She eventually left but only made it to the driveway, where she sat down on a mattress with a few of her cats, according to the report.

She stayed there for at least another day.

It wasn’t immediately clear what became of the goat.

A “squatter” with a goat refused to leave a house in San Antonio, Texas for months, sources said. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Cabrera called her “a squatter with a goat” because his name was on the deed of the home.

Texas real estate attorney Keaton Frieberg, who works with Cabrera, agreed with the use of the term.

“We think of squatters as random individuals who simply move in and take over someone else’s property,” said Frieberg. 

“But it is possible to view the previous owner [with] the goat example as a squatter.

“In a Texas court opinion, it was mentioned that the ‘defendant’ neither owned nor rented the home but, in simpler terms, was a ‘squatter.’ In Texas, the term is used loosely,” he added.

Under Texas law, a squatter can remain in a home if they’ve lived there and paid taxes for five years.

Ultimately Cabara said, “I feel for her,” adding that she likely had mental health problems.

“You have people who are thinking, ‘I’ve lived in this home for 20 years, I raised my kids in this house. This is the first property my husband and I bought,’” said Cabrera.

When Cabrera knocked on the door to confront the “squatter,” the goat tied to front porch lunged at him. AGP

“There’s an emotional connection. Unfortunately, some people can’t accept they’re getting foreclosed on until the sheriff literally comes to the door and kicks you out of the house.”

He advised home buyers to hold off on paying former owners until after they move out, to incentivize them not to stay illegally.

In New York, lawmakers pushed a flurry of bills on squatters this week after a series of disturbing home takeovers in the Big Apple and elsewhere.